newsXpress is committed to supporting locally owned retail businesses that support the local community.

We do this by helping these businesses connect with and serve the local community at the individual and community group level.

We, as much as possible, source products made sustainably and recycle packaging and other materials to the full extent possible. We also encourage our locally owned newsXpress member stores to do the same.

We work with our network of suppliers, encouraging them to provide products without environment harming packaging.

We, as much as possible, use energy-efficient appliances and lighting, and we are working to reduce our overall energy consumption.

We have implemented recycling and composting programs, and we are working with our suppliers to reduce packaging waste.

We educate our employees and customers about sustainability. We believe that it is important for everyone to understand the environmental impact of their choices, and we want to help our employees and customers make more sustainable choices.

We are committed to continuous improvement in our environmental performance. We will continue to monitor our environmental impact and implement new initiatives to reduce our impact on the planet.