Join Us

newsXpress is for retailers keen for change, keen to transform their businesses from traditional to new, retailers keen to work with others of like mind. 

Nothing we do or say is mandatory. We present options and opportunities. You engage with what you choose.

Leveraging online

newsXpress offers members the opportunity to sell online through multiple websites.

We have several shopper-facing websites that are easily found on Google, through which people purchase sought-after products. These sites directly link to newsXpress stores, providing current stock on hand data, enabling shoppers to visit a store for an over the counter purchase or purchase online for post delivery - with the revenue going to the newsXpress store.

newsXpress websites help newsXpress members to sell to customers outside their local business area.

Leveraging social media

Through social media, newsXpress attracts interest for newsXpress member businesses. Our social media work on behalf of newsXpress members drives traffic and from traffic comes sales.

Leveraging technology

newsXpress uses technology to guide members to make fact based decisions. This approach helps members spend on the right stock, make the right shop floor moves, pitch to the right people and encourage with a finely tuned loyalty offer. Technology is at the heart of the whole of business approach.

Retail Development Managers

newsXpress has a skilled team of Retail Development Managers. Our RDMs offer advice, support and local business insights. This is all data-driven, evidence-based. Through group and personal Zoom meeting contact, the level of service depends on needs and requests of individual newsXpress members.

Marketing Support

With our in-house Marketing Team we offer exclusive Marketing Support & POS for every Major Season and Fringe Seasons, Flyer & Catalogue promotions designed and controlled by newsXpress, Local Area and Online Marketing advice and access to exclusive sub-brands.

Preferred Suppliers

Through exclusive terms and discounts not available as an independent retailer you can leverage products from newsXpress preferred suppliers as we have vetted these ranges as appropriate to newsXpress businesses – built around successful cores we have in our businesses today.

Member Meetings and National Conferences

newsXpress holds National Conferences along with regional member meetings. 

Business Support

As a newsXpress member, you have access to a skilled and committed team to support you, a team with many years hands-on retail experience, a team with a diverse set of skills relevant to retail today. Through our Business Performance Review we breakdown areas in your business to give you a clear view of how it sits in relation to the channel from roster and wage advice to gross profit margins or just a understanding of departments and categories our wealth of knowledge is yours to access.

With our relationship with major landlords we can assist with lease assistance and advice.

Consider joining newsXpress. Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call Mark Fletcher, newsXpress CEO, on 0418 321 338.

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Ask us how to switch your business to newsXpress.

Please tick to acknowledge that you own retail business now or plan to open a retail business soon.

Note: this is not the right place to look for a job.